Restaurant Liquor Licence
A restaurant or cafe liquor licence is a kind of on-premises licence, that allows for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises.
​Restaurants and cafes must meet the 'primary purpose test' being that the primary purpose of the business carried on under the licence is the provision of food. The primary purpose can not be the sale or supply or alcohol.
A basic restaurant or cafe licence requires alcohol to be supplied with or ancillary to a meal, however an additional 'Primary Service Authorisation' can exempt this condition provided the primary purpose test is still met.
Primary Service Authorisation
A Primary Service Authorisation will permit the licence to supply liquor to patrons who simply want to consume a drink, without having to also order a meal. This type of authorisation can provide your business with the additional flexibility to cater for all customers, not just those intent on dining.
No restrictions on minors
Minors are permitted within restaurants and cafes without any additional authorisation or restriction.
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