Bottle Shop - Packaged Liquor Licence
A packaged liquor licence permits the sale of liquor for consumption away from the premises.
The most common form of packaged liquor licence is the traditional bottle shop, however this licence type is also suitable for fixed-premises supermarkets, large grocery stores or other boutique retailers offering liquor for consumption off premises.
A packaged liquor licence permits the sale of liquor to the general public, by retail, and also to wholesale customers.
A fixed-premises packaged liquor licence may also hold free tastings on the premises with or without charge.
Restrictions on businesses eligible for a packaged liquor licence
Packaged liquor licences may not be granted for service stations, take-away food stores, general stores (such as convenience stores or milk bars) used primarily for the sale of groceries and with a retail floor area of 240 square metres or less.
However, upon special application, such general stores may be granted a package liquor licence provided there are no other take-away liquor licences in the area and the grant of the licence would not encourage drink driving or other alcohol-related harm.
Alcohol sales area
Where another (non-packaged liquor) business is conducted on the premises, such as a supermarket or boutique retail store, a separate 'alcohol sales area' must be defined. Liquor may only be sold and supplied within this area and this must be the principal activity conducted in this area.
Delivery services
A packaged liquor licence authorises the online sale and delivery of liquor, even for a fixed-premises business. However, a more limited sub-type of package liquor licence is available for online businesses that do not have a fixed-premises shop front. More information can be found at the online bottle shop page.
Extended trading hours
A packaged liquor licence can never operate between the hours of 12am and 5am. Extended trading hours are only available on Sundays, from 5am to 10am and 10pm to 11pm.
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